Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 24, May 24: My coffee haiku

It's my coffee in
early morning that makes the
rest of my day fine.


Unknown said...

True that! Great picture! Love the sugar on top. Is that your photo?

Unknown said...

True that. Love the photo. The sugar on top is perfect. Did you take it?

Jill U Adams said...

A second cuppa
to overcome a slow start
Coffee remedy

Babette said...

Yep, that's my photo. You must know I photograph everything I eat or drink, right?

Jill! Thanks for more...cute.

Unknown said...

Sorry about the double post. You can remove one. I'm having commenting issues today.

I figured that was your picture, but it looks so perfect, and surely you don't make coffee like that every morning...Do you? If so, you can move in with me. Now. Please. ;-)

Babette said...

Jackie, don't worry--it's feeling a little glitchy--I don't dare delete one post, bec. the way my day is going, it'll delete both.

Believe it or not, minus the sugar stick, that is exactly the way I start my day. I am so devoted to my double espresso with steamed milk that I've been known to travel with my espresso maker, an inexpensive Krups that has to be 15 yrs. old....

Alexandra Grabbe said...

Oh, yes. Cannot start the day without coffee!

Celia @ Fig Jam and Lime Cordial said...

Oooh, I love the sugar stick, it looks like diamonds...

Kathy Murray said...


Same as the others have said. I don't even drink coffee, but want to looking at that photo.

Kristie said...

Love the thought and the picture! Nice work on both.... I can almost smell it!

Jan said...

Amen and amen!