Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Legendary Chicken 65 from Modern Spice

I couldn't resist making this from Monica Bhide's Modern Spice--love the photos because of the colors or red chile peppers and green curry leaves...Family loved it...but look at the fryer mess I'm left with ....what's up with that? I used good plain yogurt, but I think that is what turned the fryer into a gooey mess...oh, well: worth it. Oh, and we had Monica's Spiced roasted cauliflower with this--enormous hit. More to come, but for now: photos. 

The ingredients were abstract art in a bowl:

The finished chicken was beautiful with mustard seeds, red chiles minced fine and green curry leaves.

Of COURSE we had naan--brushed with a bit of butter, just as Monica recommends (I found myself wishing I'd bought a jar of ghee).

Here is the mess. I confess. It is still on my counter (soaking). Oh was worth it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Egg Perfect

That should be some sort of grammatical tense in the kitchen: egg perfect. Because I love eggs and I've really come to love pasture-raised VERY fresh eggs. Last week I got to buy a dozen newly gathered eggs at a farmers' market in Charlotte (actually at THE Farmers' Market, capitalized...very cool, VERY year round! Love it...)

I got to choose my own dozen--I had to have the dozen prettiest, some pale green from araucana hens, some plain brown and a couple speckled brown.

I love perfectly scrambled eggs (low heat, a touch of butter, crack eggs directly into pan and scramble--still over low--until JUST set...yum.), but now I am in search of the perfectly cooked soft boiled egg.

I am great at hard boiled, but I cooked this egg a smidge too long--put eggs in pot, covered with water, brought to boil, reduced to simmer and timed it for 5 minutes. Soft but not running (you may love that consistency--if so, there you have the method...)

I'll have another egg tomorrow for brekkies, and that I may only time for 3 minutes (the classic 3-minute egg?) and will report back here on the results.

In the meantime, enjoy the photo....I find eggs beautiful...but that's how I am.