Friday, May 10, 2013

Watercolors: Art Friday. Steak.

I did a big story on specialty meats for a magazine, finishing up in early April. I decided I wanted to send thank you notes to my sources. THEN I decided I wanted to do a little, simple watercolor steak on each card, no bigger than an thumbnail...

Well, the only watercolor paper cards I came with were pretty big. A teeny little thumbnail would have been I watercolored the front of each card with a large steak in watercolor. Each one a little pen and paint masterpiece. I was so pleased with them. I was eager to hear what my sources thought, but not-a-one has replied with praise of my work! So instead, I share the art here...(I love a hand-written thank-you note...I super love hand-painted and hand-written--as silly as it might have been to spend so much time on these, I got lost in the work and really loved doing them...)

Aren't my sources so lucky??

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