Thursday, April 9, 2009

Renegade Barefooting: Asian Chicken Salad

I so appreciated making this last night--I'd had a busy and not too happy day (I published a mistake in another blog that I am not happy about. I don't do that.) taking care of problems. So Barefoot Bloggers a)decided what to make for dinner for me and b)made it simple.

Because it was already 5.30 p.m. when I was getting around to it, I bought a roasted chicken. I had the asparagus (thank you, Costco) and most everything else--I love a starch, so I picked up some rice noodles.

As I was cooking the noodles, I shredded the chicken. Chilled the noodles, then whisked together the ingredients. I have to say, as a peanut ginger dressing, Ina totally rocks it with the recipe. Dress the chicken and veggies, serve over the noodles. Happy me, happy family. Leftovers for lunch.

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