Monday, August 23, 2010

Mozzarella Madness

Everyone Works on Their Own Batch of Mozz
You've read about my obsession. Well, Tuesday night was the class. And what fun. The Residence provided some bread, fresh basil, sundried tomatoes in oil and vino. I came with the whole milk (and rennet, citric acid, water and salt)....

I quickly did one batch so everyone could see how easy it really is. I gave out papers with instructions and contact info for New England Cheese Supply Company. Then I poured 5 more gallons of milk into five pots on the stove (that was a trick, coming up with five pots to use--thank you to Lauren and to Michelle Marie (she of lasagne post fame)--I couldn't have done it without you two). Here's how I managed to have five gallons of milk turning into mozzarella at (nearly) the same time. As the pots heated, I had everyone mix their citric acid into the non-chlorinated water, then I stirred it into the milk..(Ha. That was a little nervy--at one point I was worried people were handing me rennet and not citric acid! But my students were brilliant. No worries.)

As each pot reached 90 degrees, I ran it over to a hot pad at each station (two people per station, one had three--a dad and his two great was that?), where my students swirled the rennet (which they had dissolved in water already) into the milk. And then: Step away from the pot.

I think I had almost everyone give it another minute (easier to have it too firm than soft)..while it was hectic, we all got mozzarella cheese in the end. We enjoyed warm mozzarella cheese bruschetta with some wine and great company and people seemed to LOVE it.

Next up? Pasta making? Marcella's Lasagne making? Pizzas? I would love to teach a class every week!

(Ps. Thanks go to Eric for taking these shots...everyone pitched in!)


Celia @ Fig Jam and Lime Cordial said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! Now there are many more sharing your obsession! :)

Marni said...

This is great Barb! I would love to take your class. Have you ever attempted Queso Fresco?

Anonymous said...

Oh what fun! I have never made cheese and definitely want to give it a try.

Ulrike, Dubai said...

How great to make your own mozzarella! Just yesterday I went around ALL of Dubai, and do you think you get mozzarella in any of the shops at the moment? Nope. Seems 'the delivery' hasn't come in. I envy you - I have perfect tomatoes and lovely-smelling basil sitting here waiting to be eaten...

Babette said...


could I send you rennet tablets and ctric acid? Not much woul make you a lot of mozz. Let me know.