Friday, January 22, 2010

Things to say to a friend

1. Shalimar will always make me think of you, even if you haven't worn it for 20 years.
2. You trusted me so much you let me learn to drive stick shift in your car.
3. I remember when we first met.
4. You helped me bridge the gap between my mother and me. You tempered me. You reminded me she is a very, very good person.
5. I never felt judged by you. Ever.
6. I was hoping we'd end up in the same town in our old age and still have as much fun as we did years ago.
7. I love to dance with my friends because I learned to love to dance at your parties.
8. You've always been on the other end of the phone as though we'd spoken yesterday, even if we hadn't spoken for months.
9. I feel as though I could always make you laugh. I don't think I could always make other people laugh as easily.
10. I wish I could make it better.
11. I have missed you as I've moved around the country. I don't think that will compare to how I will miss you in the years to come.
12. I know there are so many more things to tell you that I will remember  in the days to come. Somehow, I hope you'll know those things.


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